Monday, November 3, 2014

{Clutter Purge}

Good (first) snowy morning all.
As we shared on our personal facebook page yesterday, my Dad will be moving in with us this fall. He's at a transitional point in life and we've finally convinced him after four years, to move back to civilization and out of the north woods. We're excited about this new endeavor but I think the grandkids are the most excited out of all of us here!

We live in an older double wide, much smaller than the newer models, as we're enjoying living (nearly) debt free and want to enjoy that as long as we possibly can! Our biggest challenge right now in this space is 'stuff'. We have less than the average family of five but it is still overwhelming to us to have every wall and closet full. My thought here is "The less stuff, the less mess." I hope I'm right. Living daily with the struggle of what I really WANT to do everyday and what my body LETS me do is unreal. I strongly dislike this! I'm slow to learn when enough is enough and its especially hard for me to think that people might 'understand' why my dishes or laundry isn't taken care of every day.

I'm going to share this journey with you all, and show you how we've already started to learn that LESS IS MORE! It is so freeing to live with less. Prepare yourselves through out my blogging adventure to absolutely CRINGE at every typo and grammar mistake that I'm left with on (Lyme days) and all of the crazy ideas and ways of living we have. Not so 'standard American' as you may like to see but it really works for us. :)

So, this morning I found this blog that I'm newly in love with. She seems to really get it! She made a list of things they gladly live without, and I was VERY intrigued and will be adding to my growing 'Goodwill' pile I have in my living room that is waiting to disappear. 

Follow this link:

It is fascinating! A few things I want to mention that I can't and don't think any woman SHOULD live without are personal hygiene products and/or makeup and such...  I'm old fashioned. I think you owe it to your husband to take care of yourself and make yourself more pleasant to look at. ;) I'm sure he loves you just as much with morning hair and morning breath, but not if that just turns into a ponytail and a quick mouthwash rinse. 

Tell me what you think of this list! How many things do you live without? How many are you going to SOON live without? Be free! Be free!

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