Tuesday, November 4, 2014

{Honey, I love your love the most.}

The way this week is going, it looks like my hubs and 
I won't cross paths nearly as much as I'd like them to.
Maine had it's first snow(storm) of the season this past Sunday and he was lucky enough to be on call. He had 26 call ins. (A few were people calling back a second time.) The roads were terrible and he was pooped by the end of it! We didn't think he'd get any sleep that night but luckily he did. He came home last night and helped with our kiddos while I went to a Mary Kay success meeting and I got home to all but one fed and asleep. He's working, after working, tonight. Wednesday and Thursday night we have things for the kids school and hopefully Friday night is spent at home eating delicious {toot toot} home made pizza. Add nearly a dozen hours of commuting time onto his schedule too...

My biggest struggle in weeks like these is how to show him how much we appreciate all of his hard work, and how to keep him chug chugging along. A real breakfast every morning, his lunches made, a clean house, and good food are my go to ways. But the little things really mean a lot to him. A sincere text message, voice mail, or note in the lunchbox....
Call us incredibly corny. I call us old fashioned. It's true, I do all of these things, but it just feels natural and the right thing to do. I'm not sitting here bragging, I'm hoping to set a tiny example is all. The divorce rates and unhappy couples around the country are high. Lets work on that... 
The women that read this and get the most 'annoyed'.. you need to hear/do this the most of all.
The men that read this and think it is ridiculous, I believe are in denial . ;)  
What man wouldn't want his wife to show him such love and appreciation?!
{Yes I understand I'm narrowing in on heterosexual couples here. Fill in the blanks yourselves please, I don't have the time to be PC. I do realize many I know have different relationships, and I'm understanding of that. And I love you.}


I like sharing links to other blogs, you'll get used to that...


And eventually I'll really figure out how to link things the right way ;) For now you can copy and paste right?! Hehe

Try it.

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